last nigth ..
whent to PSI human rigth event here in london organied by the live art agency and queens mary . this was the last day .
seen an amaizing performance by guilliermo gomez pena and roberto sifuentes and many collaboretors , the performance was COMMUNITY RITUALS FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM took some pic of the performance [ but only put a couple photos here that i know the artists envolved won't mind me publishing them here ] the audience [ some cute boys ' but NICK [ you know who you are ] you are the cuttest one . ] and performance , the performance is very difficult to describe to some one that was not there ,, but was very moving for me in many many ways.. i felt that this was almost like a funeral .. very sad but also very life empowering .. so when i say a funerl is not neccessarly a negative things but as some kind of reality / realization--- after this we went to see this " boy" band , put toghether by richard de dominici , the band consisted of 4 boy that are asylum seekers, they name was STATUS and did 1 song and everybody where acting like if they where 12 years old again . it was a very strange esperience ,and i have a mix feeling about it , but i know that richard has integrity.. but i could not stop thinking about what is they life will be now .. has they are actualy waitng to see if they can stay here in the UK ... also i put a foto of lois keidan here but has i know she hate her foto been taken so you will only get some of her but not her face . but also i want to take this opportunity to thank her and daniel and andrew at the live art agency and lois weaver at queen mary's for putting this togheter ..
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